Well, what's interesting about the 506th is that all of our operations have some sort of backstory to it, there's a reason why we're in these 'countries' and the missions we accomplish. So yeah it's open world, but we're limited by, like you said, orders and in a way, the story. However, the story that is created progresses by what happens in the missions. So, in my mind, it kinda balances out to an equilibrium of sorts. Dunno if that helps or not.
Thank's CPL. Specter. Does your backstory reflect real life events and if so where does the narrative come from? I became interested in this from watching Jester814 YouTube clips while I was 'studying'. I was really impressed by the realism in that how battle orders were communicated and understood appear very effective and real to life (I don't know how to say that in milsim speak but I'm referring to squad movement/tactics/formations). Where does such expertise come from? I also had a look around at other clan YouTube clips and there was a British Marine one where they were on a foot patrol in what looked like Afghanistan. I'm not joking, the clip lasted an hour and a half and all these six or seven guys did was patrol and chit chat while doing so - nothing else happened. I guess that's a realism element in that most combat veterans will tell you that war is 99% boredom and 1% scary as hell intensity. I also found a clip where there was a guy sitting in a vehicle hiding behind a wall and some brush and there was Arabic music playing. I don't speak Arabic but recognised the word Jihad as being repeated in the lyrics. Anyway, he/she was checking GPS and when the time was right he/she sped off and rammed into what looked like a US or UK armoured vehicle and detonated VBIED. I was pretty blown away by that needless to say - art imitating life and all that. Do you guys ever play against other clans or is it always against AI?