Open Forum > Computer Hardware

2K Resolution Settings?

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SFC Heckman:
Threads like this crack me up. No one on planet earth can get 60fps stable during one of our ops. Im surprised more people don't do this but if you want to see how little arma cares about your specs you should drop EVERY setting to its absolute lowest during an official 60 man operation. Your fps will just stay the same or marginally change. Check your percentages on CPU and GPU. You cant run your GPU at 100% BECAUSE there are not enough frames to push a modern GPU. The fact that in your screen shots you are getting 52 fps on a server by yourself, im assuming, shows there is no way you reach 60 during an op. And that is fine. Arma isn't CoD. 20 is my threshold. Anything above is gravy. A solid 30 plus is amazing. As for your view distance... that shit is insane. 10000 while on the ground is way too much. Even if you spot anything chances are no one else will be able to see it and what are you going to do at that range anyway. I ran mine at 10k and it was more of a hindrance than a boon.

Your frames are fine. You have an amazing rig. 

1SG J. Brewer:

CPL Price:
Glad to hear I'm not alone in 20FPS village  ;D


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