Author Topic: INSCOM Intelligence Report 10NOV19 - Upper Rondon City Province Intel  (Read 4713 times)

1st Lt (Ret) Hardman

  • 10C0 Operations Commander
  • Retired
  • Posts: 8902



Upper Rondon City Province

The urban province of Upper Rondon City consists of the following areas;


  • (C) District of Columbia
  • (C) Western Rondon Island
  • (C) North Upper Rondon
  • (C) South Upper Rondon

(U) All area-based Intelligence will be slightly general in nature to account for the free movement of personnel in and around the province, as well as accounting for how difficult it can be to accurately track personnel during HUMINT/COMINT efforts.

(C) UN advisors have briefed S-2 Command detailing the noticeable cultural differences, differing political opinions and terror sympathizers loyal to certain cells operating within the nation. Kafistrop has been at the core of recent civil unrest, with the local militia and the Elite Guard now engaged in full scale conflict against one another, and the Elite Guard now engaging in population control measures as they attempt to restrict the growth of the militia.

(C) The following document outlines each major area of Upper Rondon City, their current situation, any existing points of interest and general background information.

(C) S-2 Intelligence will continue to analyze each area throughout the deployment, monitoring civilian opinions of US/UN forces and brief Task Forces prior to each patrol, highlighting potential dangers and current events relevant to the Task Force.

District of Columbia

(C) Once home to small fishing villages, these civilians all displaced when the conflict started and have since displaced into South Upper Rondon. Although not directly displaced by the US forces based out of FARP Washington, there has certainly been a sense of discontentment towards the US forces by civilians around the area. However, luckily enough, this discontentment has shifted somewhat to be more focussed against the Elite Guard presence.

(C) FARP Washington was originally a munitions stockpile during the early British colonial days, with an extensive underground storage facility. To adapt to the current conflict in Kafistrop, it's upper deck has been converted into a FARP, easily supporting a company of rotary aviation assets landed at any given time, with space and facilities for refueling, rearming and any basic repairs that may be required. To mitigate any concerns connected to any possible chain reactions, most of the munitions have been moved out of the facility and are being returned to USN bases on mainland Africa.

Terrain: Fairly flat with light tree cover.
Focal Point: FARP Washington.
Majority Force: US combined forces.
Secondary Force: Nil.

Primary Focus: FARP Washington is surrounded by old naval defenses, including a now-disused POW compound and command bunkers.
Commercial: Nil remaining.
Residential: Nil remaining.
Military: FARP Washington and nearby airstrip are used exclusively by US forces and only since the recent commencement of conflict.
Road Network: District of Columbia does not connect to the rest of Upper Rondon, being on an island more or less by itself.
Connected Towns: Nil.

Threat Level: Low

Western Rondon Island

(C) The second of Upper Rondon's island, Western Rondon Island is the Elite Guard's answer to the re-establishment of US Forces at FARP Washington. Only very recently established, FARP Wake Island is used almost exclusively as an intelligence and reconnaissance point, having a direct, unobstructed, view of operations at FARP Washington. The Elite Guard are believed to be paying off civilians to stay in their homes, as a form of cover, and S-2 is avoiding relaying any communications relating to the operations of FARP Washington, so any assault against the position can be conducted in relative surprise. To date, FARP Wake Island has not engaged any US Forces, and almost no Elite Guard presence has been reported to be visible.

(C) On the assumption that the civilian population within Western Rondon Island is able to conduct a relatively normal life under Elite Guard occupation, they are a relatively small settlement of simple fishermen. Once part of a fierce rivalry with the fishermen across the river, they should now be enjoying a substantial increase in revenue (due to the diminishment of their competition), however no tangible improvements to their properties have been noted so it's unclear what they are doing with their revenues (if they are able to retain their full revenue, of couse)

Terrain: Fairly flat with light tree cover and a small village.
Focal Point: The main population center on the southern tip of the island.
Majority Force: Elite Guard.
Secondary Force: Civilians.

Primary Focus: FARP Wake Island needs to be put out of commission in order to restrict their intelligence efforts against FARP Washington.
Commercial: Fishermen travel both up and down river both for trading and for fishing.
Residential: Aside from the two main population centers, there are almost no structures on most of the island.
Military: FARP Wake Island is very simplistic in structure, as the Elite Guard attempt to avoid detection.
Road Network: Western Rondon Island does not connect to the rest of Upper Rondon.
Connected Towns: Nil.

Threat Level: Low direct, moderate counter-intelligence

North Upper Rondon

(C) North Upper Rondon is home to the corporate headquarters of the Kafistrop's oil industry, the primary power production facilities for greater Rondon, multiple shipping, warehousing, and market facilities and a wide range of civilians. Predominantly pro-government, the civilians of North Upper Rondon fully support the government, and by extension, the Elite Guard, and have historically been quite isolated from the conflict in general. The Elite Guard is reinforcing this stance through a relatively low standard presence - only operating two fixed positions - COP Puerto Rico and COP Midway. The Elite Guard also runs smaller operations out of the major mosque, the central hospital, the warehousing district, and the container yards.

(C) COP Puerto Rico is established outside the oil headquarters buildings and used primarily as a supply drop point and rearm/refuel facility to service Elite Guard convoys once they arrive from Adeven. COP Midway is the sister checkpoint to COP Samoa in South Upper Rondon, both of which are used to inspect and control traffic (foot and vehicle) as it passes between North and South Upper Rondon. It should be noted that these measures almost exclusively impact South Upper Rondon residents, and are widely disused by North Upper Rondon residents, due to the socioeconomic divide that exists across the river.

Terrain: Flat, open, heavily urbanized and commercial structures.
Focal Point: Connecting bridge and oil headquarters.
Majority Force: Elite Guard.
Secondary Force: Civilians.

Primary Focus: Removing the Elite Guard control over COP Puerto Rico will be essential to ongoing success in the region, due to increased economic pressure on the Kafistrop government.
Commercial: Multiple heavily built-up commercial facilities that almost all connect to oil operations in some way. This ranges from warehousing to office space, trading hubs to power stations.
Residential: Despite a relatively high average income, North Upper Rondon families are relatively small, with many waiting until their mid-30's to have one to two children.
Military: The Elite Guard operates few distinct built up compounds so as to not disrupt the normality of life, however, this attitude may shift as the conflict moves closer to home.
Road Network: North Upper Rondon is basically one large city, with all aspects connecting to each other quite effectively.
Connected Towns: South Upper Rondon via the connecting bridge.

Threat Level: Elevated

South Upper Rondon

(C) South Upper Rondon is definitely the poor little brother to North Upper Rondon, with these civilians much more exposed to the effects of the ongoing conflict, with a lot of welders, mechanics, builders and other supporting careers being sourced from here. Not only does this mean that they have seen first hand the damage that's being inflicted, but they have also been torn away from their families, and their family businesses, for the conflict. After months of disruption, there is growing discontent towards the government's continued involvement in the conflict, with many seeking a swift resolution so that their lives can return to normal.

(C)  The Elite Guard has a standing, and fairly legitimate, concern that this discontent will eventually convert these civilians into a militia cell, which has driven the establishment of multiple COPs - COP Guam, COP Virgin & COP Samoa. COP Samoa is the sister checkpoint to COP Midway, and their function is simple - keep the discontent in the south. Foot and vehicle traffic is all inspected before passing across the bridge, and any questionable attitudes are pulled aside and addressed before being permitted to continue.

Terrain: Large open and flat areas with a dense population center and sparse developing urban terrain outside of this dense center.
Focal Point: Connecting bridge and two well established Elite Guard COPs.
Majority Force: Elite Guard
Secondary Force: Militia recruiters/small militia cells

Primary Focus: Operations within South Upper Rondon need to be very mindful of the current stance of the civilian population and, as much as possible, avoid further inflammation of tensions.
Commercial: A range of commercial activity ranging from office/corporate facilities to construction and mechanical trades.
Residential: Currently undergoing a range of redevelopment works, South Upper Rondon is expanding quickly, both with displaced residents migrating from across Kafistrop, as well as a small uptick in local families (largely influenced by an overall rise in average income levels).
Military: The Elite Guard operates COP Samoa as the river crossing checkpoint, as well as the long-running COP Virgin (which includes hangars and helipads) and the newly established COP Guam (converted in the old soccer stadium)
Road Network: The population center is all well connected, but the developing neighborhoods in the south are only connected by a single ASR.
Connected Towns: North Upper Rondon via the connecting bridge.

Threat Level: Elevated

Classified By: S-2 Operations Command
Reason: 1.4(a)
Declassify On: 202911109


1st Lt, USAF