Author Topic: INSCOM Intelligence Report 05MAY19 - Rondon Intel Report **UPDATED**  (Read 2786 times)

MSG J. Brewer

  • 11Z Infantry Senior Sergeant
  • Combat Element
  • Posts: 1910


27 APR 19

Rondon City

The port city of Rondon consists of the following areas;


  • (C) Slums
  • (C) Bakara Market
  • (C) Rondon Port
  • (C) Mayor District

(U) There are no definitive borders between the areas of the city, all area-based Intelligence will be slightly general in nature to account for the free movement of personnel in and around the city, as well as accounting for how difficult it can be to accurately track personnel during HUMINT/COMINT efforts.

(C) UN advisors have briefed S-2 Command detailing the noticeable cultural differences, differing political opinions and terror sympathizers loyal to certain cells operating within the nation. Kafistrop, and the city of Rondon in particular, has been at the core of recent civil unrest, with local militias and disgruntled civilians finding new, common, ground.

(C) The following document outlines each major area of the capital city of Rondon, their current situation, any existing points of interest and general background information.

(C) S-2 Intelligence will continue to analyze each area throughout the deployment, monitoring civilian opinions of US/UN forces and brief Task Forces prior to each patrol, highlighting potential dangers and current events relevant to the Task Force.


(C) The Slums have long been governed by the militia, who have been all too happy to exploit the desperation of those forced to live on the edge of human-like conditions. A key route between the port and Kafistrop-at-large, it will often see clashes between police forces and the populace, either desperate citizens or a Warlord stirring up trouble. The route is also used by UN forces when they need to transit supplies between the airbase and the stadium-based UN efforts in the Mayor district. Multiple reports exist of UN Convoys being forced to come to a halt through the slums, with varying levels of violence on display from the aggressors.

(C) The area's militia are under the strict control of local warlord "Chotho" - real name unknown. Chotho is Zulu for "Hail", likely a name he created for himself as part of his persona. Chotho shows no mercy and no patience for incompetence - his men have been known to strap suicide vests to civilians in their sleep, placing IEDs indiscriminately and being a general menace to all who may question his authority.

Terrain: Full spectrum from urban to shanty
Focal Point: Strongholds towards the center of the area, MSR California running through.
Primary Focus: Center of Militia Power
Commercial: Small shops and market stands, all family run and operated.
Residential: Estimated to house ~500 families
Military: Militia forces, poorly armed, but well organized, unknown strength
Road Network: One MSR feeds multiple ASRs which run into the city center.
Connected Towns: Connected to the market and the port, as well as the rest of Kafistrop via the ASR through Al-Saliro.
   - Faction: Militia
   - Name: Known only as Chotho - Zulu for "Hail"
   - Methods/Motives: Underhanded, relies on strong-arming competition and thrives off the deperation of civilians. Funded by protection money from local businesses.
Threat Level: SEVERE

Bakara Market

(C) With the decline of the local fishing industry, so too has the level of legitimate activity through Bakara Market. Whilst it is still a commonplace of commerce for local businesses and civilians, the militia has turned large sections of the market into trading grounds for arms, goods, and supplies of all kinds - most of which are a far cry from legal. Reports vary from human trafficking to guided weapons and, perhaps worst of all, a melting pot for ideals, plans and strategies of the most dangerous variety.

(C) In recent months, the Militia's training boss - Asres Afework Nebiat - has taken up permanent residency in the Market area - with the large numbers of militia frequently in the Market, this has relatively guaranteed his safety on a daily basis. Aside from being an expert tactician, his ruthless and regimented style of leadership is the inspiration for his loyal following, any of whom would do whatever Asres asked - and would do so as expertly as they could manage.

Terrain: Heavily urbanized
Focal Point: Bakara Market in the SW corner, residential areas to the N and NW
Majority Force: Militia
Secondary Force: Elite Guard (rare)

Primary Focus: Arms dealing area, controlled by the Militia, heart of the city.
Commercial: Mix of legitimate trade and arms dealing
Residential: Few civilians can afford to live in the Market district, those living here are most likely connected to trade activity (legitimate or otherwise)
Military: Heavy militia presence as well as intermixed armed civilians/occasional Elite Guard patrols-in-force.
Road Network: Well connected through heavy ASR density throughout the region.
Connected Towns: Centrally located ajoining all 3 other regions in Rondon city.
   - Faction: Militia
   - Name: Asres Afework Nebiat
   - Methods/Motives: Training boss for the cities militia, very strict and demanding, rules with an iron fist. Also head of logistics for the militia and point man on arms purchases.
Threat Level: High

Rondon Port

(C) When the British military packed up and left Rondon in the 1940s, most of their supporting buildings were turned over to the local government in order to support ongoing economic development by giving the government the facilities to house port-supported commercial and administrative facilities. Since falling on hard times, however, much of the Port facilities have fallen into disrepair - with most buildings either left abandoned, or integrated into the garrison of the Elite Guard unit.

(C) The Elite guard has been using the port for moving supplies and equipment into the country, and is critical to their ability to remain supplied and at maximum operational capacity. Due to the critical nature of the facility, it supports a permanent garrison of Elite Guardsmen, organized into a mechanized task force - known after their commander Jember Yoni - thus "Task Force Yoni".

(C) With the port being such a key piece of Kafistrop infrastructure, it's usage is shared between several groups, including independent merchants unrelated to the arms dealing activities of Bakara Market, but under the constant close scrutiny of the Elite Guard.

Terrain: Heavily urbanized
Focal Point: Port facility and associated storage/transit facilities
Majority Force: Elite Guard
Secondary Force: Militia (semi-regularly)
Primary Focus: The Port is used by the Elite Guard to move their supplies into the region, as well as protecting the future Chinese investments into the port facility.
Commercial: Old British military buildings from the 1940s were originally turned over to the local government but have since fallen into disrepair and are largely abandoned or used by the Elite Guard garison.
Residential: The population is mostly fishermen and the families of the Elite Guard garrison, approximately 200-300 families
Military: Heavily fortified by a garrisoned Elite Guard mechanized element "Task Force Yoni"
Road Network: MSR and ASR’s lead out to all other sections of Rondon.
Connected Towns: Market, Slums, and Mayor district
   - Faction: Elite Guard
   - Name: Jember Tewolde Yoni
   - Methods/Motives: Works closely with militia contacts, using a mix of insurgent and traditional tactics to protect themselves and their assets.
Terror Threat: Severe

Mayor District

(C) Aside from housing the Mayor and his personal staff, the Mayor District is also home to the UN's humanitarian support efforts. The Mayor's residence borders the Market and Port districts, necessitating a heightened level of personal security which has, in turn, led to a feeling of disconnection with the affluent society who can afford life in the upscale district. In a gesture of goodwill towards their citizens, the local government is working to develop the district with multiple construction projects underway, as personnel and funding allow.

(C) Feeding on this disconnection, local militia boss Tarik Dagim has been working to build strengthened ties with the civilian population, often relying on underhanded techniques and a web of dishonesties in order to convince people to join his following - a strategy which has been leaving civilians feeling entrapped and frequently without a way out. Survival of the militia cell relies on their ongoing ability to disrupt UN operations to seize the supplies they require or to protest to "potential followers" and UN staffers alike.

(C) The UN's efforts are being led on the ground by Sandro Cino, an Italian native who is working hard for the people of Rondon - partially out of requirement, and partly as a gesture of goodwill in reparation for the way the country was treated by Italian forces during World War Two conflicts in the region. Despite these best intentions, civilians often respond in a less-than-favorable manner to Cino, and he's recently been forced into a "back seat" role in an effort to cool off rising tensions at the distribution facilities.

Terrain: Ongoing heavy urbanization towards the city center, lessening towards city limits.
Focal Point: Mayor's residence, UN facilities
Majority Force: UN
Secondary Force: Militia
Primary Focus: Richer populous, UN is based out of the stadium
Commercial: Currently undergoing major economic development on the outskirts of the area, with multiple buildings undergoing construction. Within the area smaller pockets of commercial exist in the forms of established shopfronts as well as some smaller traders
Residential: Mostly UN workers, with the mayor housed in his private compound, as well as the more affluent members of Rondon.
Military: Personal security elements for the mayor as well as UN forces providing the respective security on their operations
Road Network: MSR passes through the center running North to South.
Connected Towns: Market and Port
Name: Tarik Dagim
Methods/Motives: Working to develop as much civilian backing as he can, he's appealing to the needs/desires of the less fortunate in the hope of building up his forces.
Commander (UN):
   - Faction: UN
   - Name: Sandro Cino
   - Methods/Motives: Caught between trying to aid civilians in as effective a manner as possible, while also not risking any further harm to his personnel. With prior Italian involvement in Rondon, he's hoping to help rebuild some Italian reputation with the citizens of the city - none of whom are taking it as favourably as he'd like.
Threat Level: Elevated

Classified By: S-2 Operations Command
Reason: 1.4(a)
Declassify On: 20290427


Reserve Platoon, 1-506 Infantry