Recruiting > Recruiting

The 506th IR RU is now open to Reforger Applicants - PC and XBox


CPT Drumheller:
Greetings potential future Troopers of the 506th,

It is with great pleasure that I am able to announce the opening of the 506th IR to Reforger recruiting. Before applying, please read and understand what was posted in the internal unit command announcement here:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)Reforger Platoon, Recruiting, and Transition

Troopers of the 506th,

Later this week, 2nd Platoon will be re-opening as a Reforger only platoon. This platoon will temporarily allow double-billeting from other positions in the unit. Temporary being undefined, but more than likely until the full transition to ARMA on the Enfusion engine (Reforger or ARMA 4) happens.

Due to the unique nature of ARMA on the Enfusion Engine, a full transition plan is still not in effect. Opening this Reforger platoon will give us a much better idea of how much effort we should be putting into the transition once we start seeing what kinds of numbers it pulls in.

The big caveat: Reforger is still constantly updating and not 100% stable. This means there WILL be crashes, as well as mods breaking as the game updates and the mods lag behind (the #1 reason we do our modpack in A3 like we do). This can and most likely will cause operations to be delayed while problems are fixed in the short term, or cancelled outright. Things with this platoon will be in constant flux for the foreseeable future, and personnel need to be flexible and understanding of the shortcomings, which Unit HQ believes are greatly outweighed by the potential gains.

That said, With the recent successful testing of Reforger, Unit HQ has decided to go ahead with the following:

-Recruiting for Reforger will open for the unit

-1x Reforger platoon will take the place of the TF Bravo slot with the re-opening of 2nd Platoon. These will be permanent billets held by either existing unit members or new members that apply.

-We are going to be allowing double billeting in both the Reforger platoon as well as your current billets. This will work two different ways: For Havoc 1 or personnel able to attend Sunday operations, they will be able to double billet in the new Reforger platoon. For Havoc 3 or personnel only able to attend Saturday operations, there will be a swap in monthly operations with one being in A3 and one being in Reforger.

     If the double-billeting is causing issues of any sort, it may be withdrawn and personnel will have to decide which section to permanently billet in. That said, filling in is still always optional.

Applications for 2nd platoon leadership will be posted directly after this command announcement.

Overall Reforger is in a very playable and enjoyable state, but is missing many things we need as a unit for a full transition, again including, but not limited to:

-Modern US Army Gear - Sig M7/M250, IHPS Helmet, Armed Helicopters (partially implemented already), Working A-10 (partially implemented already), Joystick Support or an easy way to get joysticks working, Modern QoL mods (GPS, BFT, etc), and Better Radios.

What is available is of high quality, and enough to justify conducting this move into Reforger.

S-3 Training has already been briefed on the transition and is confident that they will be able to handle OSUT in the new game/engine until better support for mission templates is added.

Lastly, if you do not have Reforger yet, and for any reason cannot afford it, Unit HQ has several copies to give to current, active members of the unit, send a request up your CoC for a key. There are a limited number of these keys to give away.

If you have any questions, comments, or recommendations regarding this command announcement, send them up your CoC appropriately.

For the Command,

-CPT Drumheller

Reforger is in an unknowable state currently, constantly in flux with updates and mods breaking. That said, it has been consistently playable for several months now with workable modern mods.

The first official 2nd Platoon Reforger FTX is scheduled for 24MAR24, which gives 3 weeks from the time of this post to apply, go through OSUT, and get assigned to a billet.

Additionally, keep in mind that while our applications are open to console gamers, and you are very welcome here, forum activity is still required for certain things in the unit. Discord does not have the tools needed to organize and run a unit of the magnitude of the 506th. You will need to make a forum account here, submit an application, and use forum communication for various official things.

With the addition of console members, there may be some teeth cutting in the coming weeks while things are worked out on how to properly/correctly implement them into unit structure/flow/hierarchy, both in and out of game.

For the Command,

-CPT Drumheller


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