Author Topic: Overlapping versions and/or Marksmen update time table  (Read 3538 times)

M. Marshall

  • Posts: 63
Overlapping versions and/or Marksmen update time table
« on: April 08, 2015, 06:01:47 AM »
Good day,

After my recent acceptance of my application I have a few mod-related questions regarding:

1. The modpack version
2. The marksmen DLC & its updates for other mods.

1. I play on a modded server on a daily basis, and it uses around 50% of the mods your using here. I use  a Arma3Sync repository there, so every update is the most recent. Is the 506th ''modpack''also set on a repository link? The reason I say this is that I read a forum post about the repository being removed because there where people who had issues with them, and that they thought about putting it up again with the message ''For your own risk''. If it is still up, I would like to use it. That would be much more handy than to guess which version you are on since I usually update my mods via the repository. Or am I missing something here? If so, please share, I am open for any technical solutions!

2. The new marksmen update released today, and I have my first training on thursday. I know for a fact that the new dlc brings tons of updates to existing mods due to compatibility with the new weapon attachments and loads more. I am scared that when I install the mods today or tonight ( GMT+1) I cannot get into recruiting training because of a mis version. Is there a planned update schedule or something in that area so I don`t update anything before its supported?

The official mod install tutorial does not cover anything about versions, so before the ''What do you think yourself'' comes along: I think the modpack has certain versions, and those are the ones I need to use.
My issue in this case is that I do not know when to update to the new versions basically

Sorry for the long post, but I thank you in advance for anyone remotely interested in supporting me in this matter.

EDIT: I also asked a recruiting officer, but since the small time table and time difference between us I thought it would be wiser to also post it here for a broader audience.

With regards,

RCT Marshall.


  • Posts: 151
Re: Overlapping versions and/or Marksmen update time table
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2015, 10:27:51 AM »
1. Is the 506th ''modpack''also set on a repository link?

The 506th modpack was set on a repository, but the repository was causing issues with mod conflicts and server stability... Suffice to say, there is not a repository anymore. If you want to get into the hows and whys, I'd recommend talking to someone from the mod team.

2. Is there a planned update schedule or something in that area so I don`t update anything before its supported?

To the best of my knowledge (someone who knows more, feel free to correct me), you should update your ARMA as soon as an official update is available. The mod pack we use will be updated from time to time, but for the most part you will be using the versions linked on these forums, which may or may not be the most current versions.

I think the modpack has certain versions, and those are the ones I need to use.

Got it in one.

SPC (Ret) Harrison

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Re: Overlapping versions and/or Marksmen update time table
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2015, 10:39:41 AM »
For #2, we are aware of the eminent issues with mods, and our mod team, and a majority of the mod devs themselves, are prepared for this update. If it comes down to it, I believe the official decision was that we may switch to the legacy version for a few days.

M. Marshall

  • Posts: 63
Re: Overlapping versions and/or Marksmen update time table
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2015, 11:10:25 AM »
Thank you for your answers!

I understand that this is ofcourse not something everyone knows,  especially if you are not affiliated with the modding team.

It is more clear now, but just to be sure:

I will download the desires  mods for my thursday  training today, and i will enter the teamspeak some hours before ( GMT+1 anyway) to check if any updates need to be done

I also asked one of the repository guys on the Server I mentioned about the mod swapping/overlapping. He said its mostly about the keys being accepted, so being a version higher than the one on the Server is usually okay, as long as its not missing dependecies. Sibce AiA is only getting fixes and not added items, it is "usually" ok.

Again, thanks for the answers and stay safe out there ;)