Recruiting > The Duty Desk

Need serious tech help..

(1/3) > >>

Today was going to be my first FTX, i cant seem to join the game at all..

Steps i took,
- Updated all mods that needed to be updated
- Im using arma 3 sync so i just launch the game
- Join the server
- Im in the lobby, joined my correct spot

- The loading screen hits 25%  ( i waited for 5min ) then i realize that my arma 3 crash...

The fixes i try,
-Restart my steam
- Ask members if my mods is all good.
- verify cache files intergity
- put all settings to medium instead of ultra..


D. Brown:
I had a similar issue months ago and solved it by adding in this additional parameter.


Also, you should have probably hidden the password in the video since you released it publicly.

ill try that, and sorry forgot about that lol.. will be setting video for only us 506th can watch..

SSG (Ret) J. Patterson:
Try using arma 3 launcher or a different launcher instead of arma 3 sync with only the mods necessary and in your startup parameters try: -cpucount=4 -world=empty -nosplash -malloc=system

NOTE: CPU count should only be 4 if you have a quad-core, if you don't know just delete it from the startup line


heres my spec, ill be sure to let you know.. ( probably this friday..) pretty busy atm

but guys keep postin other fixes :P thanks


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