Recruiting > The Duty Desk

AI Not shooting back

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So I made a mission in the editor for my upcoming fire team training and upon testing it, I could not get the bad guys to shoot at me. I'm using the standard 506th stuff and nothing else. Any ideas? Is it because I put the guys down in the editor instead of MCC?

CPT (Ret) Richardson:
Find me on Team Speak and I'll help you troubleshoot it.

SSG (Ret) Atkinson:
Were they Guerilla forces? If so you need to make sure to set Independent friendly to OPFOR in the Intel in the editor.

SGM (Ret) De Leo:
I had a similar issue back in Arma 2. In order to check all enemy's WP, triggers and what not, I'd set my player to "setCaptive true", so no enemy would shoot at me while walking around them.

Also, in case you're using any Independant's side Units, make sure you're setting the Independant faction friendly to OPFOR in the Intel option in the editor.

Did you set the AI as "careless" by chance?


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