Author Topic: Frequently Asked Questions  (Read 23398 times)

CPT (Ret) Nagel

  • 11A Infantry Officer
  • Retired
  • Posts: 1024
Frequently Asked Questions
« on: August 10, 2015, 12:49:16 PM »
Recruiting Process

Q: How can I join the 506th?
A: Register for a forum account here and then go to the recruiting area and follow the steps in this post to complete your application.  We require you to be registered on the forums to cut down on the number bogus applications we receive plus joining the forum is the first step of joining our community.

Q: Why must I have a realistic name?
A: First and foremost, we are a realism unit, and therefore require a realistic name that won't seem outlandish to say in a normal conversation. Also, it improves communication, saying "Private Smith" is a lot easier and makes more sense than saying "Private Bballer46gotMadSkillz". Lastly, upon entering the unit, a record is created behind your soldier and therefore a lot of things are tied to your name. Naming Policy

Q: Must I use my real name?
A: No, you absolutely do not have to use your real name. Again, it just needs to be realistic.

Q: What is considered a realistic name?
A: A realistic name is a name that could be found in a phone book. Please know that your name does not have to be American.

Q: Why is there an age requirement?
A: First and foremost, the game is rated M for mature audiences only. Secondly, we have a certain way we enjoy playing the game, particularly by the standards listed here. Therefore, again, we wish to play with mature players who understand and embody our philosophy.

Q: I do not meet the age requirement, but am really mature. Can an exception be made or I be interviewed to prove so.
A: No. Sorry.

Q: Does choosing an MOS (your role essentially) on my application lock me into that MOS?
A: No. You are only required to officially pick an MOS after the completion of the training pipeline. We have you choose beforehand to try and get accurate numbers for personnel assignments.

Q: Since you mentioned it above, what is the training pipeline?
A: The training pipeline is training we require new personnel in the unit to complete. It starts with recruit training (after your application has been accepted) and then moves to Advanced Individual Training (AIT). At AIT, all personnel will complete One Station Unit Training (OSUT) which is essentially the infantryman's course. From there, certain MOS's may require additional training, for example pilots will than go to flight school. Once your MOS specific training is completed, you are considered to have finished the training pipeline.

Q: My application has been accepted, and I received my welcome aboard message, now what?
A: Selected a recruit training class here and conduct your recruit training class. Make sure to download the required mods for your game.

Q: What does the 11B Infantryman MOS do?
A: 11B infantryman's are the backbone of the army. In this MOS you can expect to do whatever you imagine an infantryman would do, from fighting the enemy on the ground, to kicking down doors.  These personnel fill our light infantry,  air assault platoons.

Q: What does the 11B Anti-armor specialist MOS do?
A: 11B Anti-armor specialists fight right along side their rifleman counter parts. The only difference is anti-armor specialist employ the Javelin Missile System to engage and destroy enemy armor.  These personnel fill our light infantry,  air assault platoons.

Q: What does the 11B Machine Gunner MOS do?
A:11B Machine Gunners also fight alongside their rifleman counter parts. The only difference is the machine gunner employs the M240 Medium Machine Gun to destroy the enemy with overwhelming firepower. These personnel fill our light infantry,  air assault platoons.

Q: Why are there 4 different versions of the 11B MOS?
A: Easier tracking of personnel, specific training's required and personnel assignments.

Q: What does the 12B Combat Engineer MOS do?
A: The 12B Combat Engineers are our maneuver specialists. They employ explosives on the battlefield to destroy specific targets, or to improve maneuverability of the infantry platoons (destroying walls, barricades, etc.). When not employing explosives, they operate as an normal infantry team.

Q: What does the 68W Health Care Specialist (Combat Medic) MOS do?
A: Combat medics do exactly what you would expect a combat medic to do, they treat wounded soldiers on the battlefield. Our combat medics, fight right alongside our infantrymen on the battlefield. However, during missions they do have a different primary role, and that is again, treating injured soldiers.

Q: What does the 153A Rotary Wing Pilot MOS do?
A: Our Rotary Wing (helicopter) Pilots fly a multitude of aircraft. Our pilots, are qualified to fly multiple differnt aircraft, for whatever the missions is, and so they don't sit in a transport helicopter the entire mission. The aircraft we fly are the UH-60 Blackhawk, CH-47 Chinook, AH-6 Little Bird, and AH-64 Apache.

Q: What does the 11F3B Fighter Pilot MOS do?
A: Our 11F3B Fighter Pilots are majority of the United States Air Force Personnel in the unit. They fly the A-10 Thunderbolt during missions.

Q: Can I change MOS's?
A: Yes, at the end of the day we want you to have fun. If the MOS you are currently in does not interest you anymore, you are allowed to ask for a transfer to get transferred to another section. However, you can only do this so many times in certain time frames as it otherwise creates a clerical catastrophe.

Q: How do I get special MOS’s such as 11A, 11Z, 15A, 00Z, 60A, and 1C471?
A: These billets listed above are primary leadership billets, and billets that require extensive experience and training. These are generally your officers and senior enlisted personnel. We do not allow you to enter the unit as an officer (except for fight pilots) as we want you to learn how the unit works and operates before putting you into a leadership role. When positions do become available, they are done by another application process.

Q: Before my application is accepted, who may I contact with additional questions?
A: Anyone on this list

Recruit Training

Q: What is recruit training and why do I have to take it?
A: Recruit Training is your formal introduction to the unit. It reaffirms what the unit is about, and what we expect as members. It allows you to see what we are about before making larger obligations. It also ensures that your game modifications are in working order before moving on to AIT.

Q: Is recruit training like basic training in real life?
A: No. A lot of skills that you would learn in Basic Combat Training, you learn in the AIT phase. Again, recruit training is to introduce you to the unit, not to living the army life. Also, at no point is your instructor allowed to impersonate a drill sergeant. However, do not confuse a drill sergeant with someone who responds in direct answers, and firm responses.

Q: I cannot make any of the scheduled times, what happens now?
A: Unfortunately we do not make special classes for anyone. If we made a special class for you, than we have to make a special class for everyone. Our recruit instructor team tries to schedule classes are different times (weekdays, weekends, earlier in the day for European Players). All we can say is watch the recruit training board, as instructors sometimes switch their times, or new instructors are brought on.

Q: How long does recruit training take?
A: Recruit training can last up to 3 hours long, however, most classes end somewhere between 2 and 3 hours.

Q: What happens if my mods are not working by the time of my recruit training class?
A: Unfortunately if you mods are not working, you will have to attend recruit training at another time. During class, instructors do not have the time to work with each student to set up mods. Before, or after classes, instructors (and other unit members) are generally open to helping you with mods, you just have to ask. You can also reference this thread for help on how to set up your modifications.

Q: My application has not been approved yet, can I attend recruit training?
A: No. You have to have your application approved before anything. You will also be asked to show your application before recruit training starts, so don' try to out smart the system.

Q: How do I sign up for a recruit training class?
A: Simply find a class that works for you on this board, and post saying that you plan to attend, than show up at the approprate time on TeamSpeak and be ready to go.

Q: I finished recruit training now what?
A: Once you finish recruit training, your instructor will post a report saying that you (and your classmates) have completed the course. From here S-1 personnel in the unit will process the report and give your account more accesses. When you get those access, you will be able to see this board. Here all personnel will move on to phase 2 of the training pipeline and attend OSUT. Please note that it may take up to 48 hours to have your report processed.

Q: Who is my point of contact for any questions while I am in recruit training?
A: The recruit instructor of whichever class you wish to attend.

Advanced Individual Training

Q: What is OSUT and why do we have to take it?
A: One Unit Station Training is the units basic training. This training is a basis that we require all members to have completed. Here you will learn things from how to use the interfaces of the game, how to apply basic medical treatment, how to use your weapons, how to conduct convoy operations all the way to how to conduct urban combat. At the end of the day, no matter what billet you hold, from rifleman to battalion commander, there are basic soldiering skills in the Army that we require all members to have.

Q: I cannot make any of the scheduled times, what happens now?
A: Unfortunately we do not make special classes for anyone. If we made a special class for you, than we have to make a special class for everyone. Our OSUT instructor team tries to schedule classes are different times (weekdays, weekends, earlier in the day for European Players). All we can say is watch the OSUT board, as instructors sometimes switch their times, or new instructors are brought on.

Q: How long does OSUT take to complete?
A: 4, 2-3 hour days over 2 weeks.

Q: Do I have to take all the days of OSUT, in class, or can I switch classes?
A: No, you do not have to take all 4 days within the same class (the same instructor). We do ask that you refrain from this, as it causes unnecessary hassles. However, if you plan to switch classes do to scheduling issues, we ask that you contact the instructor that you are switching to, so he can expect you. And your former instructor, so he knows not to expect you. Note that you can only take 2 days of OSUT in a week.

Q: Do I have to take the days of OSUT in order?
A: Yes, all days are sequential and build off the previous days.

Q: I was in the military and have been playing ARMA III since it came out, I don't need to take these classes, can I just come to day 4 show you what I know and graduate.
A: NO, we do things differently from the military. Tactics have been adjusted for fighting AI and having fun, so what you know may not transfer over 100%. In addition it allows you to meet and work with some of the individuals you will fight along side with on the field. In addition you must complete all 4 days in order to graduate.

Q: I already know everything that your going to go over day 1 can I skip and show you that I know it the other 3 days?
A: NO. You must attend all 4 days to graduate and being at all 4 days allows you to meet and work with some of the individuals you will fight along side with on the field. No one in this unit gets special treatment.

Q: I cannot make it to any classes can I get a private training?
A: We do not offer private training. We do not have the resources and there are subjects that require multiple students to be taught effectively.

Q: What if I have to miss a class?
A: If you are not able to attend a class you have 2 options.
    1. You wait two weeks and take the class with the same instructor with the next cycle.
    2. You are able to transfer to another class to take the class. Report in to that classes thread saying that you took the previous day with the other instructor.

Q: I am a medic, what happens after I finish OSUT?
A: If you are a medic, after completing OSUT, you need to report to Combat Medic School (CMS) here and sign up for a class.

Q: I am a medic, why do I have to take the infantryman’s course (OSUT)?
A: While medics are NOT infantrymen, their job requires them to possess a certain amount of skills that are very similar to that of an infantryman, our medics also operate directly alongside our infantrymen. This also allows for easier MOS transferring in the future as you won't have to go back and take OSUT if you want to transfer from medic to infantryman.

Q: I am a combat engineer, why do I have to take the infantryman’s course (OSUT)?
A: While combat engineers are NOT infantrymen, their job requires them to possess a certain amount of skills that are very similar to that of an infantryman, our combat engineers also operate directly alongside our infantrymen. This also allows for easier MOS transferring in the future as you won't have to go back and take OSUT if you want to transfer from combat engineer to infantryman.

Q: I am a pilot (both helicopter and fighter pilot), why do I have to take the infantryman’s course OSUT)?
A: While pilots are NOT infantrymen, their job requires them to have an understanding of what the infantrymen they are supporting, are doing. This also allows for easier MOS transferring in the future as you won't have to go back and take OSUT if you want to transfer from pilot to infantryman.

Q: I am a pilot, what happens after I finish OSUT?
A: While pilots are NOT infantrymen, their job requires them to have an understanding of what the infantrymen they are supporting, are doing. This also allows for easier MOS transferring in the future as you won't have to go back and take OSUT if you want to transfer from pilot to infantryman.

Q: I signed up to be a medic, combat engineer, or pilot. I have just completed AIT and my instructor says that there are no open positions for my MOS, what happens now?
A: In your application, you agreed to the statement that if there are no open positions at the time your training finishes, you will either go to reserves (an inactive member) and await a position to open, or you can go infantry until a position does open.

Q: But I was accepted as a medic, combat engineer or pilot. And now you are saying I cannot play as that?
A: No. you just have to be patient. Also understand that we do not reserve positions for anyone. The training pipeline can take 2 weeks at the least. It is unreasonable to reserve a spot in the unit for someone for two weeks without knowing if they will even finish the training.

Further Training

Q: Once I finish the new persons training pipeline (recruit training, OSUT, and any additional MOS training), is there any further training's?
A: Yes, once you get assigned to your unit, you can take WLC, ALC, SLC, and AAS. Note that these classes are not required. They are only required for special positions (generally leadership positions).

Q: What is Warriors Leaders Course?
A: Warriors Leaders Course is a series of small classes that give you certain knowledge to be able to lead a team (around 3 other personnel depending on positions).

Q: What is Advanced Leaders Course?
A: Advanced Leaders Course is a series of small classes that give you certain knowledge to be able to lead a squads worth of men (around 8 (2 teams) other personnel depending on positions).

Q: What is Senior Leadership Course?
A: Senior Leadership Courses are required to be completed by infantry officers and SNCOs to learn additional unit procedures and tactical information needed for leading multiple squads and/or larger unit elements.

Q: Why do WLC, ALC, and SLC exist?
A: WLC, ALC, and SLC exist to expand upon knowledge that members  have learned in the unit by being a rifleman, medic, engineer, pilot, etc. They will also train you on what we expect out of a leader, what a leader is, duties and responsibilities, and unit policies.

Q: What is Air Assault School?
A: Air Assault School is a special school offered to all members of the unit, but is only required for squad leaders and up. Air Assault School specifically does into depth on procedures and tactics regarding air assault operations (helicopter assault).
« Last Edit: August 30, 2016, 12:41:13 PM by SSG Hammersmain »