Open Forum > Server Information

Stam on Pub Server


SPC (Ret) Zudel:
The public server used to have it overridden so that we could carry whatever. This allowed us to make up for not having weapons squads, air assets, etc by carrying AT and AA systems along with our loadouts. However, since the new stamina update, the Pub server has the new stam, making it impossible to do so. It kinda went from the fun Pub server to just running regular 506th on a Pub server. I loved being able to take shots at armor and air assets while still being able to carry enough stuff to not have to resupply all the time. We could move right on to the next objective. It feels like we have to RTB a lot more now in between taking each obj.

SPC (Ret) Zudel:
Meant to add as a question, is there a plan to bring this back?


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