506th IR Realism Unit

Open Forum => The News Room => 506th IR RU News and Deployment Updates => Topic started by: MSG J. Brewer on May 20, 2019, 06:20:28 PM

Title: INSCOM Intelligence Report 20MAY19 - Anizay Province Intel
Post by: MSG J. Brewer on May 20, 2019, 06:20:28 PM



20 MAY 19

Anizay Province

The regional province of Anizay of the following areas;


(U) There are no definitive borders between the areas of the province, except for the drier desert interior, all area-based Intelligence will be slightly general in nature to account for the free movement of personnel in and around the province, as well as accounting for how difficult it can be to accurately track personnel during HUMINT/COMINT efforts.

(C) UN advisors have briefed S-2 Command detailing the noticeable cultural differences, differing political opinions and terror sympathizers loyal to certain cells operating within the nation. Kafistrop has been at the core of recent civil unrest, with local militias and disgruntled civilians finding new, common, ground.

(C) The following document outlines each major area of Anizay, their current situation, any existing points of interest and general background information.

(C) S-2 Intelligence will continue to analyze each area throughout the deployment, monitoring civilian opinions of US/UN forces and brief Task Forces prior to each patrol, highlighting potential dangers and current events relevant to the Task Force.


(https://i.imgur.com/0i9pUn4.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/wkjp7CW.jpg)

(C) When trade activity died through Rondon Port, the effect was nearly immediate on the primary produces who inhabit almost all of Gholam District. Traditionally being hardworking, Gholam's people are large, tight-knit families, who previously devoted every waking moment to their product - most of which had been in the family for generations. The lack of traditional commerce in the district is a main contributing factor to the districts' low average income, but Gholam has never been wealthy.

(C) Feeling hard done by, Gholam's citizens are readily taking up arms, if not fully joining the militia. The militia are providing a stable source of food and water, as well as giving the civilians a sense of purpose back - invaluable to them during these hard times. Based on this, militia-civilian cooperation is at it's best in Gholam - and is currently suspected as the primary source of recruitment for militia forces across Anizay.

Terrain: Relatively fertile land, with good natural watercourses and several dams/wells in and around the hamlets.
Focal Point: COP Columbus towards the center of the district.
Majority Force: Militia
Secondary Force: Armed Civilians

Primary Focus: Gholam is home to the most outspoken, the most violent and most desperate of all Kafistrop.
Commercial: Lots of primary production with little "traditional" commercial areas - most of the commercial activity is trade based.
Residential: The typical Gholam family is a large one - 6 to 9 per household - and are quite tight-nit, often all living and working together year-round. Each town can see between 5 and 50 families.
Military: COP Columbus is suspected to have been established a militia stronghold with heavy civilian support, the direct MSR connections to the Badlands oil fields see frequent clashes between civilians, the militia and the Elite Guard.
Road Network: Gholam's towns are all well connected via an ASR/OSR road network, with the only MSR's seen at district connections.
Connected Towns: Connected to all other Anizay districts

Threat Level: Severe


(https://i.imgur.com/WlnSkq1.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/yAiGWeY.jpg)

(C) Traditionally the wealthiest of the Anizay districts, Khas is home to the region's major mosque, high-density housing, the major city of Anizay, a strong road network and other supporting infrastructure. This also gives the locals the most to lose, as well as the ability to "motivate" others into joining their cause if need be. Already having seen a lot of direct conflict in and around their homes, COMINT is showing locals as starting to apply pressure on the militia to "do their job" and provide a sudo-security service.

(C) Due to the higher average wealth in the region, those from Khas who have decided to take action are likely to represent leadership and organizational style roles within the militia force. This results in less "showboating" than their Gholam counterparts, and more coordination of supplies, forces & operations. Khas fighters most likely won't take on a fight they can't win, and they probably won't take it on without unified support from the other districts.

Terrain: The most heavily urbanised parts of Anizay, including the minor town of Khas (which is undergoing development)
Focal Point: COP Austin in the south east, Mosque in the center
Majority Force: Militia
Secondary Force: Armed Civilians (rare)

Primary Focus: Khas is home to the people who organize and supply the militia across Anizay. They will be the hardest to disrupt, but the most critical.
Commercial: The town of Anizay is not only the largest in the region but also the trading and commercial hub for region locals, as well as visitors from Christbalo, Rondon and across Kafistrop - often being a destination for domestic tourism around Al Isra' wal Miraj (typically March/April)
Residential: The makeup of Khas families varies greatly based on societal standing, but families are typically quite similar to our own, with an average 1-3 children per household, combining to an estimated 10,000 locals in the district.
Military: COP Austin was originally home to UN forces when they first established themselves in Kafistrop, and was subsequently used as a supply distribution point until US forces assumed control of the COP shortly after their arrival at Boston Airbase. Several attacks by local civilians have been pushed back without major incident, however now that US forces have fallen back to Boston Airbase, it is assumed to have fallen to militia control.
Road Network: Khas has a wide network of MSRs forming it's critical connections across Anizay and to wider Kafistrop. MSR Massachusetts connects Boston Airbase into the district.
Connected Towns: Connected to all other Anizay districts.

Threat Level: High


(https://i.imgur.com/T0h6Zka.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/EbSpaVd.jpg)

(C) Oben is a metaphorical, as well as physical, mid-point between Gholam and Khas - in terms of trade, supplies, workforce, commercial needs, etc. There's a much lower focus on primary production and more on general commercial needs. These close ties have only grown stronger as the region has been thrown into chaos, with civilians supporting each other, and the more stable Oben militia cell is rumored to be stepping in to further support to their long-standing friends in the south.

(C) With a lot of wide open spaces which were largely unused by civilian business, Oben is suspected to become the natural home to the militia's training needs. A very tough local commander is thought to be playing a "hands on" role in local business, suspected to be working with the training and maintenance operations of the militia, will make the local militia among the best equipped and highest performing of all Kafistrop. If prospective fighters are being sent to Oben's training grounds, it will give periodic surges in local numbers.

Terrain: Although largely uncapitalized, similar to Gholam in terms of fertility and watercourses.
Focal Point: COP Richmond in the east adjacent to Anizay.
Majority Force: Militia
Secondary Force: Armed Civilians

Primary Focus: Oben is suspected to be home to the Militia's recruitment and training programs, and this needs to be put to an end.
Commercial: Oben's businesses are primary support services - transport, fuel, water - used to support Gholam's production, as well as artisans and craftspeople (secondary producers) supplying goods to the larger commercial base of Anizay.
Residential: Oben District is the largest in Anizay, as are their families. Civilian population easily exceeds 10,000 - however they're expected to be more resistant to the idea of taking up arms against the government/Elite Guard/UN.
Military: COP Richmond hasn't been used by allied forces in over a decade - and is thought to become the central mustering point for militia recruiting, militia training and arms dealing with the supporting civilians across Anizay.
Road Network: Oben towns all easily cross-connect with each other, as well as to the other districts.
Connected Towns: Connected to all other Anizay districts.

Threat Level: High


(https://i.imgur.com/KL1wIH4.jpg) (https://i.imgur.com/XFcdjXh.jpg)

(C) The remainder of the Anizay region is under the control of the Elite Guard, is mostly empty, and is home to the countries oil production facilities. Aside from the critical nature of this infrastructure, it also serves as a "buffer zone" - keeping the Elite Guard force between the brewing military in the northwest, and the relatively calm interior of Kafistrop.

(C) The Elite Guard enjoy a high degree of autonomy with the government turning a blind eye to most of their operations. Couple this with funding and supplies from the Chinese government, and their relentless training schedule, the Elite Guard are a serious fighting force - and are successfully keeping the Kafistrop interior under control.

Terrain: Very barren, desert-like.
Focal Point: Boston Airbase, Makus Oilfield AAA Battery, Akhunds Oilfield HQ & HHC, Hartford Communications Outpost.
Majority Force: Elite Guard.
Secondary Force: Militia.

Primary Focus: Defending Elite Guard Military & Kafistrop Oil assets.
Commercial: Oil production facilities, and basic general commercial as required to support the Elite Guard & their families.
Residential: Approximately 1000 families, most of whom are connected in some way to the Elite Guard and/or the Kafistrop government & their oil production facilities.
Military: Heavy Elite Guard security in and around major facilities, as well as major installations - Makus Oilfield AAA Battery, Akhunds Oilfield HQ & HHC, Hartford Communications Outpost.
Road Network: To facilitate easy movement, as well as the exploration of oil seams, the regional area is covered in small ASRs, with relatively few MSRs used solely to connect major installations.
Connected Towns: Small hamlets are scattered across the area, mostly clustered around the oil production and military facilities, however those involved in transporting the extracted oil have set up smaller settlements along the major routes for convenience.

   - Faction: Elite Guard
   - Name: COL Abebaw Eyoel Marin
   - Methods/Motives: COL Marin originally moved from Setumba to Anizay to establish the AAA Battery at Makus, before taking over command of the entire region when the previous commander was found murdered in Akhunds approx 2 years ago. It's suspected that Marin killed him to take his office, and all the troops under his command are fully aware of his reputation of being ruthless in his hunt for power.

   - Faction: Elite Guard
   - Name: WO3 Ontrel Haynes
   - Methods/Motives: WO3 Haynes is a logistician and oversees all oil movement across the Badlands, often commanding the convoy directly while it's moving. He's built his reputation on a strong track record of flawless supply delivery and excellent punctuality - never allowing anything to disrupt the schedule of his supplies through a mix of meticulous planning and very high security.

   - Faction: Elite Guard
   - Name: 1LT Song Bao
   - Methods/Motives: Originally Chinese military intelligence, 1LT Bao came to Kafistrop to ensure the security of the Rondon Port, but has since moved to command the EG's COMINT efforts in Anizay. Little else is known about him at this stage.
Threat Level: High

Classified By: S-2 Operations Command
Reason: 1.4(a)
Declassify On: 20290521