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SOG Prairie Fire

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SPC (Ret) M. Dallas:
New Vietnam creator DLC for Arma coming out. Is this by the same folks who developed Unsung?

Looks interesting. Looking forward to trying it out. Let me know what you guys think!

Which leads me to another thought- do we use any assets/content from any of the DLC besides Apex in our modpacks?

CPL Price:
Contact, Global Mobilization and now Art of War all include freely available assets for non-DLC owners (as the content is already patched into your game files, with exceptions such as the map, in the case of Contact). Most of these assets will however show DLC ads or disallow parts of the content from being used by players who don't own the DLC.
I believe some of the CBRN gear we almost used last cycle may have been from Contact - may have not, as there are CBRN mods out there.

As for the SOG DLC, this may be a long way out, given that CSLA Iron Curtain was announced before this and hasn't come out yet.

SPC R. Gonzalez:

Dsleyx played a few Beta hours... check it out. Interesting comments

SPC A. Hawkins:
Those that have the marksman DLC have the option to use some scopes from that DLC if they are running as the designated marksman. If chemical weapons didn't cause catastrophic failures server-side then those with the contact DLC were given the option to use the CBRN gear from that DLC, however our modpack included CBRN gear for those without contact DLC.

Not sure about any other physical assets like buildings/vehicles.

1st Lt (Ret) Hardman:
Some of the DLC gear works fine for those without the DLC, others watermark the players screen (apparently? idk). The inconsistency of that is annoying as well.


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