Open Forum > 506th IR RU News and Deployment Updates

Front Page - International Times - January 23, 2015

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--- Quote from: SGT Hart on January 24, 2015, 11:48:29 AM ---Going toe to toe with the 506th would be a very dangerous game for them. I just worry about conducting battle so close to Russia, this is a long way from home.

--- End quote ---

It depends. Admittedly, Russia has not done anything to rein in their dog in the fight, but they haven't taken any offensive actions into Chernarus or Podagorsk. To do so would risk war between them and NATO, and given that they'd be taking offensive operations against UN-sanctioned forces, there's nothing they could hide behind.

What'd be more likely would be for the Russians try to make a land-grab under the causus belli of either "peacekeeping" or ethnic reasons similar to what they did in Ukraine. Both Chernarus and Podagorsk are filled with ethnic Russians, and they form the dominant ethnicity over native Chernarussians and immigrants from Takistan and other Black Sea countries, meaning it wouldn't be too hard for them to make the claim.

If that is the course of action they are going to take, the 506th will need to beat them to the punch and put the separatists down before Russia can get the traction they need to annex the region.


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