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2K Resolution Settings?

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MSG Speirs:
I'm not sure if it is our server mods or something else affecting my FPS but I'm getting roughly 35-55fps in action on training and operations with 506th servers. In solo play or when paying KOTH maps, I seem to get around 65-90fps in action.

My pc specs from latest benchmark:

In-Game Settings:

Any recommendations or optimizations that can be made would be great. I've noticed that if I drop some settings to increase fps it seems to take the load off of the GPU and transfers to CPU which nets a loss in frames. Ultimately anything stable over 30 is good for me but the range is whats killer for target recognition in firefights.

Thanks in advance!

1st Lt (Ret) Hardman:
If you get 35-55 FPS in our operations I'm going to stab you and steal your PC. I average about 15-25 FPS.

If you want performance back quickly, drop your settings for Shadow, Particles and Clouds, and drop your draw distance to like 2k. 24k is unnecessary as you'll never have that much of a line of sight, but Arma will be trying to draw those objects anyway.

CPL Price:

--- Quote from: SSG Hardman on January 23, 2020, 05:35:47 PM ---If you get 35-55 FPS in our operations I'm going to stab you and steal your PC. I average about 15-25 FPS.

If you want performance back quickly, drop your settings for Shadow, Particles and Clouds, and drop your draw distance to like 2k. 24k is unnecessary as you'll never have that much of a line of sight, but Arma will be trying to draw those objects anyway.

--- End quote ---

I get 15-25 as well and I got better specs than he does and I'm only running at 1080p so color me amused. Let's make this a planned murder - we get to split the jail time.

SPC A. Hawkins:
12K render distance is what I found to be all I needed as an RTO viewing the battlefield from a UAV. That includes scouring the entire map for mortar pits. On the ground I have my distance set to 5k and have never had a problem with that. I have the shadow slider dropped all the way down, gives me 5 more FPS and I hardly notice a difference.

MSG Speirs:
Thank you all for the help, I'll give it a shot now and see what happens.


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