Author Topic: German 4th Mechanized Brigade  (Read 7545 times)


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German 4th Mechanized Brigade
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:05:35 PM »
An Australian friend of mine, Alexander told me to come here to ask about a possible joint operation. We are currently a pretty small unit. 10-15 members, it fluxtuates depending on how many people are in, or out. We would be interested in co.op operations to train our unit better for when and if we get a larger player base. We are well trained as a small unit currently and could offer some tatical advantages in battle. We have alot to learn and alot to teach if your interested. We have a mod set that compliments our German unit that gives us some advanced equitment to use like G36 rifles and Leopard 2A6M Main Battle Tanks.

I have heard nothing but good things about this unit so I hope to hear back!

Capt. J.Cook
German Army 4th Mechanized Brigade, An ArmA III Unit